Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Employee Handbook China


Мороз снежком окутывал....
"Frost snow enveloped ....» on Foto.Sayte
Evening Irkutsk Znamensky monastery

«***» on Foto.Sayte

« Zimny » on Foto.Sayte

сказка II
«Tale II» on Foto.Sayte
Yakutia, Neryungri, -41

Утренние следы
«Morning traces» on Foto.Sayte

Первый снег
«First Snow» on Foto.Sayte

На прогулке
«On the walk» on Foto.Sayte

- In a day walk along the snowball so cool! Pohrustyvanie even hear the snow under your feet:) That for such a wonderful area in the capital?
- Bitsevsky park. Another inch to the right, and we will see North Chertanovo ...)) winter, still nothing, but in the summer ... Broken scrapyard after the picnic ((
- ... and the snow hides all traces of:)
- Yeah, like ... like an indulgence to sin and, en ... now you are and pure like an angel ...

Зимний орнамент
«Winter ornament" on Foto.Sayte

Розовый рассвет
«Pink Dawn» on Foto.Sayte

Холодные краски зимнего неба...
«Cold winter colors of the sky ...» on Foto.Sayte

Cold winter colors sky,
mixed up in a palette of purple shades,
colored drifts of white snow
Evening sunset of purple flowers.

in the radiance of the evening swirling snowflakes
and appear pink, fairy-tale dream
and melt in the palm of glass icicles
Merging with hot and mild heat

spilling everywhere flakes of snow,
Blizzard played out, swirling light.
blurry all the colors of the sky
cold and quiet sunset faded in the mist ...

Синее безмолвие...
«blue silence ...» on Foto.Sayte

Новогодние ёлочки
"Novohodnye ёlochky» on Foto.Sayte
Park in December

«MY NEW YEAR GREETINGS ....» on Foto.Sayte . 31.12.2010
So as winter in Kharkov still no will send, I congratulate all fall photo ...
happiness to all and nice shots!

«:)» on Foto.Sayte (c) Adamec

Черный лебедь
«Black Swan» on Foto.Sayte (c) Adamec . Czech Republic, Přerov

«Cemya» on Foto.Sayte

«Cemya» on Foto.Sayte

пути (3)
«path (3)" on Foto.Sayte (c) Adamec

пути (2)
«way (2) » on Foto.Sayte (c) Adamec
- Yes, symbolic and symbolic!
- mysterious ways ...
- Strong work. Not for comparison - just on the same topic

Русская Америка. Дальше - только вечность...
"Russian America. Next - only eternity ... » on Foto.Sayte
09.01.2003 (c) Michael Rezhepp . USA, Santa Clara

small unnamed graveyard near Fort Ross. Incredible fog. While I was thinking what to do with this fog, flew two hawks and a falcon (not sure) and sat down on a big cross.

From this fort, Earl went Rezanov in San Francisco in 1811 to negotiate with the commandant and met his last love - Maria Concepcion de Arguello - Conchita. Rezanov died a year later on the coast Siberia en route to St. Petersburg, where he was going to ask for permission from Alexander I to marry. Conchita remained faithful to him until his death and had the remainder of his days in the Dominican convent in the city Benicio.

Fort Ross (California)

History of Russian America not too long, began in 1799, when Paul I signed a charter of trading privileges for the newly established colonial company, called the "Russian-American." Not limiting their presence in Alaska, "the Russian-American Company," begged his trading monopoly on the entire territory of the so-called Russian America, which included the Aleutian Islands, Alaska and the entire territory below 51 degrees.

isolation from the main supply bases created constant food shortages and essential commodities. Were trying to escape from this situation - to purchase food in Haiti, sent troops to the south of the continent with the hope of finding where a milder climate to grow by bread and vegetables, but despite this, the colony remained small and weak. One attempt to have its own food base was the establishment of Fort Ross on the California coast. In 1812 an expedition led by Ivan Kuskov laid on the waterfront terrace of a small Pacific Bay, slightly camouflaged Northwestern Cape, 100 km northwest of San Francisco, a military settlement, whose main task, in addition to hunting for fur seals and trade was growing grain and food supply to the parent colony. The expedition included: hunters, surveyors, builders, ploughmen, merchants, a priest, naturalist and artist. Terraces of coastal ridges, covered with evergreen redwoods, gave hope for good harvests of grain and plenty of fodder for cattle. Initially built embankments to suit the Kremlin, Russian watchtowers at the corners, or, translating into a naval language, the fort. The walls of the fort built from whole logs vpolobhvata thick and so high that obstruct the upper crowns windows of buildings. Sami windows have shutters made of logs is not a lesser thickness. These shutters can not penetrate any boom or a stray bullet. Wooden houses are made without a single nail receiving dovetail.

Fort, as a Russian colony lasted 29 years until 1841. Last 5 years, the commandant of the fort was Alexander Grigorievich Roschev, who lived there with their children and wife - Princess Elena Gagarina. The Earth and all the internal buildings were subsequently sold to the local fur traders, who resold them to American Government in 1867, when Russia, in turn, sold Alaska and the Aleutian America.

about the rebirth of Fort Ross worth reading here

Русская Америка. Сестра Мария.
«Russian America. Sister Mary » on Foto.Sayte . 31.01.2003 (c) Michael Rezhepp

Well, the second part of the history and Rozanov Conchita, history, belonging to Spain, America and Russia. Cemetery of St. Dominic in Benicio (California). Maria Concepcion de Arguello was born in 1791, met Count Rozanov in 1811, took the veil under the name Maria Dominica in 1851 after nearly 40 years after his death and died in 1857. Time erases the inscriptions on stone, erases in the sand and stones themselves, but the memory and the living soul Conchita - in you and me.

- Thank you. "Juno and Avos" ...

Тревожный циклон
«Alarming cyclone» on Foto.Sayte

Rapidly the approaching cyclone. Feelings of anxiety did not leave during the shooting. The streets of a small town in the Vologda region, emptied in anticipation of disaster. Thank God, all there were no casualties and major destruction.

«...» on Foto.Sayte

Мостик в зиму
«Bridge in the winter» on Foto.Sayte

«Bridge on Foto.Sayte . Adygea

Дорога к
«The road to» on Foto.Sayte

Побережье Северного моря
«North Sea Coast» on Foto.Sayte . Denmark. Eresunsky Strait

Предновогодний Байкал
«Prednovogodniy Baikal» of Foto.Sayte

Stiffened time
«Stiffened time» of Foto.Sayte . Tverskaya oblasty, river Medveditsa

Снег идет line of the pine trees
«Snow Go» of Foto.Sayte . Moscow, Kuzminki ~ «line of the pine trees» on Foto.Sayte

«***» on Foto.Sayte . Skiing

Чародейкою зимою околдован лес стоит
«Enchantress winter enchanted forest worth » on Foto.Sayte

« Lonely » on Foto.Sayte

Сосновый бор. -35С
« Pinery. -35C » on Foto.Sayte

Ледяной лес
« Ice Forest » on Foto.Sayte

Forest before Christmas . 04.01.2011
Moscow, Magic Beauty - winter, the forest before Christmas. The trees bent under the weight of ice and snow.
Now here, now there breaking branches and falling trees. That will leave us this winter to spring?

Forest Before Christmas . 04.01.2011

Winter Forest. The village of artists, Moscow . Near Istra (c) [info] unclejosef wrote in [info] staraya_dacha
road to Zhevnevo

Winter Forest. The village of artists (c) [info] unclejosef wrote in [info] staraya_dacha
road to architect

Opened Ski Touring season . Sakhalin (c) [info] tare_n

We would like to mention sverhkachestvenny and fast puhlyak in the best traditions of the Sakhalin winters. That's cool!

Opened Ski Touring season . Sakhalin (c) [info] tare_n

Pro tree and space . Sakhalin (c) [info] tare_n wrote in [info] sakhfoto

This probably one of my favorite shots. Filmed it in 2007, the Bald Mountain area (the one that susunayskom ridge at the local lingo - "Vilka). Many times I passed by this place, but only saw a light at that time. And the tree is usually looks much more modest - a normal hive. Magic, not otherwise.
moon shot separately telephoto. Next shots are combined in Photoshop. In the original, the moon was exactly the same place and in this phase, just Shirikov it is too small.

Few about winter . Sakhalin (c) [info] kantrobas wrote in [info] sakhfoto

little about winter . Sakhalin (c) [info] kantrobas wrote in [info] sakhfoto

East Coast drifted snow . 28.12.2010 (c) [info] anton_solovyov

Snow drifting . Snowfall continues to rage in both New York and in most areas Northeast United States. Many residents of the north-eastern region of the United States carry with them a variety of tools and accessories, as snow storms are raging there is no longer the first day. Hundreds of travelers were stuck at the international airport of O-Hare on December 27 of the cancellation of many flights.

Dentist William Debonis from New York so loves his job, he decided to walk to his office on Monday, December 27, come what may. Even skiing. As we see these desperate, as he, a little bit - usually a busy street near Central Park West is vacant.

the early morning of Monday December 27, a woman goes on a snow-covered quarter of East Village in Manhattan. Winter storms that hit the east coast, after covering all around with snow depth of a foot, continue to rage here and after Christmas. New York, as well as all of New England, continue stradast from snow drifts.

Eighty Sue Ribet with a broom trying to to clear a path to his home in Dyurgeme on December 26. "I just wanted to get to my mailbox to pick up the newspaper" - complaining about the old lady. The snow storm that began on the first day of Christmas, flunked snowdrifts most of the state.

Snow drifting . Snow-covered road in Ralige, Northern California, on December 26.

eclipse . Moscow. 04.01.2011 (c) [info] fotoejjiki

most lushaya photograph a solar eclipse the 4 th January 2011 (C) [info] dewynter
If you click on the image to open big picture, which actually should be considered.
International Space Station against the background of a partial solar eclipse


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