Thursday, June 28, 2007

What Colour Goes With Brown And White

I think I have time ...

.. because I write again in here.
Well you can see how you want (why there are no clever emotes?)

I agree with simple again the world, now so what I read, listen to music in so and so bla bla I just later.

(Reportedly, it has now added a link to a book ...)
Joar the les I bissel through at the moment, is quite interesting and some I must really say, "Damn .. the're right!" but much of it until now when I say, "Nope, I see not so" but I think is true everywhere.
(Wah, the writing on the Pc is somehow getting smaller .. that sucks .. so)

This is the latest CD at the moment with me, among other things droning up and down.

(allegedly was here again inserted a link, but I see not much of it .... am curious)

I was supposed to sleep a long time ago so it is finally Friday. I'll also do the same is scho bissel late, then I'll now slowly with the phone device verkrümmeln bed.

Sun Nächtle!

Monday, June 25, 2007

How To Masterbate With A Rubber Glove

long, long time ago!

Wow, really long time ago when I last had time bissel here what is written nei unds good times again bissel time for it .. NaIO then let's start once again.

White also not what I've written in recent posts so hot in my strange life, Well am zufaul time to read again * whistle * (yes this is the Mel-containing).

Allllsooo yes I finally have my new phone. Is all doll I think the contract stelae finally without having to rush because it's so expensive .. and yes my ma is also happy about, finally I register more than once before.
is with us now in addition to families associated growth / appeared. Now a new four-legged friends have fun jumping around with here.

Sweet or not? Pretty smart little lady who is really into the Johnny .. (Who does not?).

The first year of apprenticeship takes place quite slowly now to the end (thank God!). It was ok, but the second must be in school every time better and I have to be really learn it .. !
NaIO'll be right if I sit down.

Joar then I'm back bissel become older;) and have got a very very very very very Dolle gift.

Total sweet I think:) thank you my bunny! Of course, I've still got
nice other stuff (at the end now I get another one on the hat).
Bissel containing cake eaten at home with the best, and then Saturday joar been in the Hall 2 with friends. Was very funny, even though the music was really bad at some point and I somehow the whole evening was once on the dance floor to dance dark wave .. (Bissel little for me), then we are also gone again. But the true
hinfahrt very interesting to us because suddenly everything really as well known came before us and we were always sure that we're almost there. Just too good:) Have

now finally done again what my costume, and it will be done. Have ears to find me! Yes great new ears * lol * then, the days are sometimes ordered juhuuuu! Busy support I will probably get even, especially when so well is the body color to apply .. Away * laughs *.
Oh yes, Cosplay is moderate, you probably only get me back to the Frankfurt Book Fair to face before, I have no interest and time to emerge somewhere.

So this summer is not even gone on holiday as usual actually mostly always. No, this summer we go again Mera Luna ! Tickets are already bought and joar now only counted the days until the time comes. New Goth clothes, I've sometimes made me finally * cough * NaIO wholesale purchase halt again. New dress, new tops, new bag is the usual stuff. My favorite skirt I must soon do so again intact, as is quite cleverly, the chain dropped when I finally was in the final. Well, what happened to make of times. 'm So great, new stuff:)

I come too slowly to the end times from here!

Until the days (maybe):)