Returning 35photo by Boji
Summer . 11/10/2009. From the album: Sketches of illusions . Genre: Collage
- I have no words. just like there.
not even shot the film at that time, as if you have a time machine)
- Thank you! I love this time, I even think that I feel it! Though never been there ... : (
- as I understand you ... I also love)
- Very reliable! Technically and artistically well done!
- Thank you! Also love this time? :)
- yes, I love the retro style! especially beginning of 20 century to the 30-ies.
- And what a tutor on a pedestal? Like in front of his gate, Pokrovsky he has never seen?
- Michurin! Stands at ENEA!
- That's injustice - "Mumu" Turgenev wrote a monument to Gogol put ...
- Yes! I grieve and weep with you! : (
- Fiction. Did not think that this can be done! An order or a hobby?
- There is no order, and the word stupid is just a hobby I do not like! :)
- but what to replace it? hobby?
- Well, initially, my work was like a creative laboratory, upon them I practiced new methods of work, I designer polygraphist! Then it turned into something else, I tried
- I thought - a pleasure!
- Very close in principle! But I do not think the name thing! :)
- agree ... it should be in the soul and heart!
- The same abyss in the movie! Sure! While the current cast and writers took off, but want the process itself.
Great work! I like very much time on the pictures:)
- And I love too! : O) The Golden Age of the former Soviet Union, the countries that we have won!
Free City
fragment (Someone Else's Life) . 06/22/2009. From the album: Sketches of illusions . Genre: Collage
- Amazing work! Where are you now so that's all found? :) Fascinating! Life!
- All of this works or recently been on the go, this particular engine is no longer walk, maybe it soon porezhut to the metal, photographed during the year all ... Yes! Tram at all the adventure, they would not let me have it all bosses are very wise, I tell them you are all well soon be demolished to ... fucked .. to edrene hair dryer, and they gave me - they say it is impossible! Then let them be demolished but still can not. Goats! : (
- Job suffered, and the result deserves praise! Very cool! The quality is amazing!
- Although I think could be better and better one ...
- may be possible;) and front objects are not cut ... yes a lot of things ... But I forward light accentual;) Work is still cool ...
- Perfection, as we know, there is no limit:) Of course you can do better and better ...
But in my opinion and so everything is great!
And some emphasis here, IMHO, no need to - here is important urban life. Let us recall the old black and white movies. There was no accent, when footage showed the street. The life of the streets at that time itself is the focus. There had to do was enjoy a variety of parts, incalculable number of quite different actions and fates in a single moment. Small bloopers - Euro package is found on windows, a modern tram arrows and lanterns - all this only underscore what you need to search for details. Everything is fine:) success and good luck!
- Exactly! You guessed right! The emphasis in urban vanity hard!
- all cool. only jeans and hours on the post a bit vary with time cars. and in general a very good job!
- Well this is not a documentary frame, budget, my government has not allocated to achieve historical accuracy! The entire budget went to buy bulldozers to demolish the historic exactly! :)
- and holds interesting as it was?
- was ... a lot ... :) And even too! :)
- The modern city life of its own. Everyone goes about his business.
time around. The same city. But life there is different, with their attributes.
They are not aware of each other ...
And only we can see all through this work photographer!
- Wow, how cool! Yes, there it is! I always think back somewhere near ...
«Behind the scenes, or a million spoiled pictures ...» on Foto.Sayte . Category: Comp. Art
That's how it happens ....
- I understand this is not the final version. For example, last stylization was more "in the spirit of the times." Here, just the amount of work.
- Thank you! I am very glad that you understand me! Yes, indeed, here shows how much work, so as I promised to show, what is it everything is done. Will work to live independently, I do not know, but already it's good that it allows a crop to a large extent, by sharing in the independent living life footage ... :)
- About the volume of work, and so everything is clear. :) And I just like this fictional city. There. :)
- Her, the author is cool, so much ponavstavlyal, and harmony navstavlyal, already jealous)))
Pigeons . 26.04.2009. From the album: Sketches of illusions . Genre: Collage
- Like ... Where I have seen:) .. in the magazine ... In my in DB ..
- Well, yes was in a magazine! Photo Workshops ... : (By the way to winning the magazine's cool me a ride!: (
- Yes, just a photo-studio .. .. but what is the prize? "... They gave me .. okay ...
- with prizes, I personally do not! Maybe I'm to blame, but I called twice, I was told that the call back, and silence, so I would have thought that as time since then and nothing to be imposed!
- wild delight. Why could drive a prize? Let's raise the subject. They gave me pochesnoku ...
- I do not know why! : (Probably not until I had.: (Maybe they should have been ringing every day, but I think it has something petty ...
- We will throw this link to build the editor ...
- Damn! Oh can it? Me whole life anywhere to forget, as it so Well, there do not make lists and all! :): (Although, in principle, it is true! "It is not good from them turned out!
- I think it's just annoying lining ... I threw a link in ICQ, as will be the answer I will copy ...
- Thank you! In the mail came a letter that I can pick up! :) I am sure was that there will be honest!
- but in vain ... there are good people ... and said Thanks even to me, for what drew attention to the pad;)
- I did not think they are bad or skunks out there, just like happened to me often occur ... :) I do not believe in luck! :)
- in vain ... By the way, come on Wednesday in the Union ... You will meet personally with the leaders;)
- In what union? Which direction? E
- The Russian Photo Union. Announcements on the main page (it will be a little later) with the guidance of Digital Photos and Photo shop ... They podedut this Wednesday ...
- Utopia ... matrix. Like
- No! This is not a utopia! This parallel reality!
- I realized (just now) where it is ... is a novel in Lukyanenko "Draft" and there is an alternative, Moscow (Earth "1")
- have not read, I confess ... : (
And yet, Mr Lomakov (director of the museum of vintage cars and motorcycles) when I saw this picture said that in Moscow there was such a road he has a picture from the newspaper and the people in that trailer sitting in the cylinders! I confess I do not believe!
- gonevo! one hundred pounds) and read a novel - you will not regret
Future City . 23/05/2009. From the album: Sketches of illusions . Genre: Collage
city of the future based on illustrations in the past ... :)
- I like your worlds!
- Zarublennaya Cover! True to the original it was a normal color and was intended for exhibition booklet railway publishing house, well, something for another was! : O)
- Yeah all the same great
- I think you have to be crazy to do such cool stuff!
And you want and tunic. I want to, and whistle, and a jug!
- Yes! I'm crazy fool! : O) It's true!
- Well, someone there should give people the beauty.
- Here to do a good job, we must always remember that you're basically zero and we must work and work and once more work to do something is not ashamed! Then it may turn out bad!
- How squeaked Levin great! :)
- Well, Lenin was really great! This true! Yet he created a state strong enough that the way we contact you managed to successfully break up! Since then we have obtained majestic Lenin! Crazy go!
But seriously, once a person begins to assume that it is something out there so he did not create. He's dead!
Travel in ... anywhere ...
still exists a unique complex built 1899-1901 years. It is still possible to forget the present, you can plunge into the past. But it is very possible that Soon here will come to a tractor with a bulldozer blade at the ready, and demolish all existing buildings. Then come running workers of different nationalities and amicably usher in a wonderful shopping center (which, as everyone knows is sorely missed) So gone is the only surviving set in Moscow ... - Ouch! - Exclaim officials - What have we done? Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Well, nothing! The next time we take a closer! What? Are no more? What a pity! Well, let's open Memorial Fund was destroyed? Why? Not a bad idea! A new article of income! And will disperse to count and count the profits! But until that happens there is still time, there is an opportunity to visit в прошлом, прокатиться на Паровозе, увидеть настоящих людей пытающихся сохранить нашу историю, нашу память, которую всеми возможными силами и средствами destroying our people's choices
Steam (crossing times)
- Wow! And where was this shot that place?
- Depot near Moscow, near the homonymous Station ...
Free City. Timetable locomotives
second polar .... (Lebedyanka ")
- Thing! I will take myself to the collection if you not against it!
- Thank you! Do not mind! The real locomotive! It is no longer on the go!, Cranked a bandage on the wheel, it is necessary to change the wheelset, and a spare parts problem, they want to cut in the metal: (
- In England these people carry a lot of money, but we just cut and know how. It's easier than to create.
- We also rolled, but we still have reservists from which you can take! But our high-speed locomotives with fairings cut all the stories of those locomotives squeezed 150 km / h ... Now, no! And engine giant AA-20 which straighten the rails in the corners ... and was only too cut, oh yeah you never know what we have cut ...
- damn ... cool .. a topic like ...
- And if you've seen live! This is an unforgettable ...
Winter (alien life) . 30/05/2010. From the album: Sketches of illusions . Genre: Collage (c) Boji
- Boris just super! I shake his hand whiz very cool
- live all
- an entire movie in one shot.
- Yes you, my friend, the artist! Powerful painting turned out!)
- Figasse! Cool! Atmosphere Time passed really! Well done!
- How I love this photo, before simply could not vote.
- Come on! What do you confuses me! Come and shoot if you want Locomotives! : O)
- Thank you, I sincerely! But rarely in Moscow a couple of times a month.
protein in Izmailovo catch no time. And you - locomotives:)
This is from the filming of what?
- from the shooting military only! You are the squirrel is careful! I have seen personally, the people who caught it! A terrible sight I tell you! : O)
- And how did this elegant smoke? Well because he is not drawn?
- From different surveys! A core of 30 degrees Celsius in February! Fear as it was cold!
- Very interesting work ... no words ...
«Station ...» on Foto.Sayte
fallow ~ «Ferry breathing giant» on Foto.Sayte . Locomotive LV-0182. Kiev Station
LP (byvshie. ..)
- Before sitting on Dmitrovsky, I saw how these paravozy day running, but never got into an ambush, sorry ...
Fast . 06/07/2009. From the album: Sketches of illusions . Genre: Collage
Port . 14.12.2009. From the album: Sketches of illusions . Genre: Collage
Golf . 06/28/2009. From the album: Sketches of illusions . Genre: Collage
Orel region. and Moscow on Foto.Sayte
- ZIM choli? Sorry car. Zachotnaya was. Inside the big ... Eeeeh.
- This is a Chevrolet, a characteristic cross is seen on the nose!
- sorry. has not completed a topic. yes, different ...
Gas 11-73 on Foto.Sayte
- Elegant!! Machine familiar, and where I had (just this) seen not remember.
- in Kuzminki! In general, it stands in the museum on the matting, Mosfilmovskaya! :)
- Yes, I have found a photo from this machine. Incidentally this is not Emka (GAZ-M-1) and Gaz 11-73. Upgraded Emka.
- Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Tremendous thanks!
Free City . Contact
Free City
- Mad shot! Like everything! Where it does not tell me? What kind of car?
- BMW car stood in the street polurazobrannom a sinker last year, then lost at home st. School, lanterns, Peter. Column and a water Tower of Orel region., fence from the store, "Prague":) Well, so roughly!
- Yes you konstruktorschik! As you all deftly assembled! I really liked the work.
- I All works are collected! :) In life, gather all together does not work, so thank goodness there are tech! :)
- damn its value, I do not understand computer graphics, rather than like the way and the engine which then hangs in the tops. but it is IMHO
- Computer graphics, whether we like it or not, has already declared himself hard enough! Personally, I always was a little simple pictures and too hard to draw a hand! Firstly only one option, and a sea of mud and revisions, and not the ease with which Changes introducing ... : (
- Nice job. Can you tell us about creation?
- I must say that the work of "Free City" is one of my favorite and not those of class simple. It started well and with what I've tried to make a rainy city view, tried, tried and even put a picture with layers in the burner. Passed time, such as walking down the street I noticed a car standing in the ancient form, took the camera frame otschelkal twenty, came home and realized that they were totally me not satisfied because of the bright sun is located in the sky is not where I needed! Waiting for an overcast day, I returned and photographed is already a little differently! Sowing for the monitor I got to adjust the color of the car. The fact that it was painted in a bright blue color of the fence! Adjust, adjust, and somehow decided to make sketch. The layer under the car I nacherkal road, the sky and remembered the rain layers! And that's what happened. Work is done for the day, all dalos easy, each Item clung to another. Here is a story of creation, if briefly! :)
- With no work, then the whole created world! Impressed!
- recalled the film "Sin City". Super!
- to do just based on!
Late evening . 15.06.2009. From the album: Sketches of illusions . Genre: Collage (c) Boji
- Cool with you create an atmosphere turns but
- Work was done as a cover: o) Thanks! The atmosphere is, well, I do not know, I'm trying to simply convey what he saw and felt this is like the memory of his childhood ...
Filming of "Life and Fate" by Hitrovskoy area (a)
Filming 'Life and Fate in the area Hitrovskoy
Installation scenery to shoot a film about war
Installation scenery to shoot a film about war
The film about the war on Khitrovo
The film about the war on Khitrovo
Filming of "Life and Fate" by Hitrovskoy Square
Filming of "Life and Fate" by Hitrovskoy area
Filming of "Life and Fate" by Hitrovskoy area (a)
In the back of a truck - actor Sergei Makovetsky and actress Vera Panfilov
"Life and Fate" (a)
movie about the Germans and slightly Ivanovo slides (a)
food stalls in Petropavlovsk lane
Filming "Life and Fate" (a)
Filming "Life and Fate" by Khitrovo (a)
Filming "Life and Fate" by Khitrovo (c)
Filming of "Life and Fate" by Khitrovo (a)
Filming " Life and Fate "by Khitrovo (a)
Filming of "Life and Fate" by Khitrovo (a)
Gas-67 . 11/03/2009. From the album: War (a) Boji
- genre! may be for greater reliability "wear out" card?
- Oh I'm not a supporter of aging! I want to believe that while not dead, but lives somewhere around the corner! And those people that gone, too, somewhere nearby, we simply can not in any way to meet ...
- I Want To Believe! With the current way of life - more and more. Tell us where you are able to Yet to meet that era?
- while filming, but as I got there they asked me not to tell another person suggested to be punished for my way can get any!
- they probably do not know yet what will be a holiday under the title "May 9")
- Yeah Right! I wanted to depict the beginning of the war with the Soviet Union! When the Germans were still winners! And their soldiers' boots trample Europe, England and frightening at all! :)
- Infantrymen! Good job!
- Thank you! Hitler Kaput
England ... WW . From the album: War
- love it! I love construction!
- Hooray! Long live the Queen!
Our ... (Sky train) . From the album: War . Reportage of real events (with reconstruction) ...
- seen this work before a strong impression was
- Thank you! Presented as something that is here brought to the front tier is like the soul to heaven! And all of them soon will not be - "Sky train". The sky lovingly looked for spreading down spaces.
- but people you are photographing themselves, I understand, but where such types of the beret and costumes? or all the same as that associated with the movie?
- This Restorers! Was a festival of retro, I helped design! Here at the festival filmed, the frame is not posed a (random). I mean the central figure! Locomotive of Roslavl check before running the type A (Lebedyanka)
When the war ...
- interesting! for reliability (still wartime photos;) I would just muted color of the lips of the girl in front, not to throw in the eye makeup:)
- I do not know of such examples of course, but the fantasy was played out. Imagine a girl driver at any rank, it certainly was cosmetic, and were friends ... If that is not what he said - excuse ...
City destroyed the hopes . 16.05.2009. Genre: Collage (c) Boji
«Street Wins» on Foto.Sayte . 07.01.2011 (c) Boji
- good and hard work! Merry Christmas!
- Armageddon! PHOTO OF THE DAY!
- even Sobyanin not rebuild :)
- Ofigenchik. And a house with Sadovnicheskaya waterfront, is not it ...
- Instead of high-rises could put Moscow City ...)))
- It was possible, and then it would become clearer the ratio of old and new! : O) But I do not like new construction!
- Great work!
City which is not. 2 . 01.09.2010 (c) Iren Leema
platform Mosfilm. Structure for the film thrown into turmoil.
the shooting was only 15 seconds-driven: (Rain all day.
City which is not . 30.08.2010 (c) AliSSa ~ Iren Leema ~ My name - Irina
yesterday with a friend whole day was spent under the shower at Mosfilm. It is scenery of old Moscow (only at home).
All elements of the picture photographed and skompanovany me.
Photos from filming the series « Institute of noble maidens » (c)
Photos from surveys show « Institute of noble maidens » (c)
Free City
Panorama . 13.05.2009. City (c) Boji
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