«Winter krasivtsy» on Foto.Sayte
«White Silence» on Foto.Sayte . 21.12.2010 (c) Mikhail Vershinin . Russia, Krasnoyarsk
Russia, Siberia, Sheregesh, Mountain Shoria, snow, rocks, trees, silence, unreality
- wow !!!!! super easy !!!!! and what the temperature was?
- Thank you! -23, A little warmer. Before that it was cold -27, the wind strong, more than a week
- amazed Your enthusiasm! Continued success! Zdorovski you get. And given the conditions ... I think I on such feats can not. :))
- road by walking, and a good shot - walking, at exactly
- stunning, bravo! How, I wonder, got there, snowmobiling, or skiing?
- Thank you! Snowshoeing.
Played in a big fog, or rather in the clouds, sometimes it is not clear where he was.
Closer to the dinner appeared here such light box. Of the skiers on the snow-storms have appeared only in the evening, when all dissipated.
«about me and my DR ...» on Foto.Sayte . 12/20/2010. Sheregesh (c) Yuri Frolov . Russia, Novokuznetsk. Date of birth: 20.12.1963
«Chegetsky blues ... » on Foto.Sayte
Classic Elbrus with Cheget with flying skier ...
«SHEREGESHSKAYA WATERCOLOR» on Foto.Sayte . 13.12.2010 (c) Mikhail Vershinin . Russia, Krasnoyarsk
Russia, Siberia, Sheregesh, Mountain Shoria, morning, sunrise
- What is so early, climbed the mountain? Because now there is a difference with Moscow was 3:00, so the sun rises before the lifts?
- Yes, the right question. No shift in our direction. I had to get up at 4-00, 4-50 to take a taxi barrier, there pehom 1hr 40 min to the top station and 40 minutes before the rocks this morning was lucky:)
- Nothing repeats itself, especially the frame, which he saw and did not take off. In your case, you as an artist, rewrote the first option and have surpassed it. Only one man could do it. Creative person, who as at the Olympic Champion is the willpower and fighting spirit. Bravo, Michael! I envy your imagination. I am glad that we have such masters of Siberia. In your pictures do not have a cold, (not in the literal sense) to consider them with pleasure, they are coming good energy. Creative you luck and success.
- Thank you! Yes, that's for sure www.photosight.ru/photos/3556820 , reshoot exactly one year later. In fact lacked a bit better snow conditions. Which is not very easy to find in an interesting light.
decided to start a series with this work ..
«Watercolor MORNING Sheregesh» on Foto.Sayte . 28.12.2009
- Who gets up early - that God gives! Many who rented this place, but the morning light + hand of the master All change and transform the ordinary into the exotic landscape full-length feature.
- Alexander. Thank you! Not only to get up early, but also negotiate with workers cable car had to include it in 1.5 hours earlier. Accordingly, they should arrive earlier to Tashtagol not on official vehicles, and the cash. Hence, the price rise, I think the most expensive upgrades for the week were.
were more options, spend the night there, to walk, to agree to a snowmobile abandoned. In another, the morning light was not popodaesh.
- Nice job! Not wasted so much effort and .. funds. Good trip turned out.
«Sheregesh, WHICH nebylo (2) » on Foto.Sayte . 10.12.2010 (c) valery_p . Russia, Moscow
Sheregesh, evening, 2009
At the end of November this year in Sheregesh gathered quite representative Group Moscow Photography: Ivan Zhdanov (www.photosight.ru/users/169252/), Likharev Alexander (LAB2, www.photosight.ru/users/176642/), well, actually I am.
As winter Sheregesh by this time firmly came into its own, we were optimistic nasnimali bunch of beautiful pictures, like the one published here. However, nature decreed otherwise. Over 10 days had a lot of snow, frost and wind storm broke away to glory, there was even the rain. Was not only very small: the sun appeared, and then lifts. And no way to remove photo similar to last year.
fact: Sheregesh, which was not ...
- curovye place.
- photo story about the severity is yet to come!
- Beautifully! In this winter season, we have snow in Siberia, very much, and very little sun)
- Yes, we noticed it ... What I honestly and wrote above.
«SHEREGESH ARCH, or our response to Mike Reyfmanu » on Foto.Sayte . 16.12.2010 (c) valery_p . Sheregesh, December 2010
answer, admittedly, a rather pale. However, it is with this frame I decided to start a series entitled Non-pop Sheregesh ... This picture was submitted by one of the brightest moments (in the sense of weather conditions) for 10 days in our group Sheregesh.
- Cool! Heavy armor, oh, so heavy.
- how! This year has seen many fallen firs, which could not stand the weight of snow adhering ...
«non-pop Sheregesh (3) » on Foto.Sayte . 21.12.2010 (c) valery_p . Sheregesh, December 2010.
top of the mountain green. Winds and snowstorms temporarily subsided, and the clouds rose slightly for a couple of hours ...
«Sheregesh non-pop (2)» on Foto.Sayte
- elegant series
- Thank you, we will continue!
«non-pop Sheregesh» on Foto.Sayte
Sheregesh, the top of the mountain green. Winds and storms have died down slightly, but rose slightly overcast for a couple of hours.
- The name of the lift does not fit.
- knits, tally! At a time when the chair came out on top a couple of minutes in the face of gusty wind was blowing at a speed of 20 m / s at temperatures up to-27C. And when the wind speed became still above its just switched off. Therefore decided not to retouch a lift ...
decided contrast to show what Sheregesh pop:
www.photosight.ru/photos/3549125/ or
- thanks for ssylochku. "Pop" matches. And from good:) Happy New Year!
«Pop Sheregesh (Report from Sheregesh (7))» on Foto.Sayte . 22.12.2009 (c) valery_p
Sheregesh, December 2009. Only a fine day for a week of our stay.
- Very nice. I never saw such a trail.
- This trail snowcat (that a tractor, which smooths the pistes, in the back on it may hinge such here, "comb").
- Ah native open spaces .... or relatives? painful road neat:)))
- For Sheregesh is rather good: all part of the people riding on the highway and climbs into the forest ...
«Evening Sheregesh (report of Sheregesh (24)) » on Foto.Sayte . 28.01.2010 (c) valery_p
Sheregesh, December 2009. Only a fine day for a week of our stay.
«Beluga Dawn» on Foto.Sayte . 16.11.2010 (c) Mikhail Vershinin
Russia, Siberia, Altai Mountains, Mount Belukha, dawn
28.08.2010g., Time 4 hours 40 minutes + lunar lighting, exposure 32sek. From the pass Karatyurek.
«Above the Clouds, Mountain Altai» on Foto.Sayte . 09.11.2010 (c) Mikhail Vershinin
Russia, Altai Mountains. After a snowfall, on the pass Karatyurek, 3200 meters, August 26 2010. Not posed.
«Sailboat" Europe "» on Foto.Sayte . 12/20/2010. Antarctica (c) Igor Gvozdovskyy . Ukraine, Kyiv
- enjoy! Good light right on the boat fell
- thanks! precisely because of the lighting and ran to shoot at midnight polar summer:))
«" Everything tends to heat from the cold and blizzards ..."» on Foto.Sayte . 22.09.2010
Antarctica, Vernadsky Station, a bird, an iceberg
«Panorama: Shackleton Peary ... ice» on Foto.Sayte
Antarctica, Vernadsky Station
«In the kingdom lydov» of Foto.Sayte
Antarctic station Vernadskiy
«Shackleton: sunset» of Foto.Sayte
«Piri : Antarctica » of Foto.Sayte
Antarctica, Vernadsky Station, Mount Pirie
- And what is there for the crosses, the lower pole with wires?
- this grave, this
«Sentry ...» on Foto.Sayte
Antarctica, Vernadsky Station, Adelie penguin
«Serenade ...» on Foto.Sayte
Antarctica, Vernadsky Station, gentoo penguin
- Cool penguins and a wonderful photo! It really produces some sounds, or simply threw back his head? :-)
- really sounds like a donkey, so they are called an ass Penguins
«Three Comrades ...» on Foto.Sayte
Antarctica, Vernadsky Station, penguins
- Cool, but why the snow of such color? :-)
- color due to the fact that it blooms ... this summer, and snow developing single-celled algae. Then it becomes, and pink and red, and purple - all the colors of snow correspond to different stdadiyam development of these algae ...
«marriage games» on Foto.Sayte
Antarctica, Vernadsky Station, penguins
«I free!!! » on Foto.Sayte
Antarctica, Vernadsky Station, baby penguin Gentoo
« Robinson: Pіdu vtoplyusya ... » on Foto.Sayte
Antarctica Vernadsky Station, gentoo penguin
«" Like a general he ..."» on Foto.Sayte
Antarctica, Vernadsky Station, gentoo penguins
(c) zapovedano - Zapovednaya Russia. Operator - Dmitry Shpilenok
Lisa Lizovin a quiet river (c)
Igor Shpilenok - biology teacher, organizer and director of the GB "Bryansk Forest" .
for the photo contest "Golden tortoise " Igor Shpilenok awarded for his work" Lisieux date ". 15.03.2010
In March, when mating season begins, foxes become playful. Kronotsky Reserve
Photographer Igor Shpilenok
Fox seasons (c)
Lizovin (c)
Lisa Silent River (c)
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