Nikita Khrushchev at a meeting of the Soviet-Cuban Friendship Society. April 28, 1963 Mr.
Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro and
translator Nikolai Leonov
Nikolai Sergeyevich Leonov
Life at the station continued to be essentially a peasant, and the school in which Kohl walked every day on foot, was a purely urban. In class, he became friends with the boys from educated families, and realized that except for rural Valor - mettle, skill, ability to improvise all their own hands, there are other advantages - good manners, discipline, reading, right speech, ability to defend their beliefs peacefully, but firmly. Soon he becomes the first student, straight A. Many items, he develops a much deeper than demanded by the curriculum, in particular foreign language. The 10-th class Leonov mastered the German language so that he could read Nietzsche in the original and even act as a translator in the camp of German prisoners of war. School, he graduated with honors.
for continuing education Leonov chose Moscow Institute for International Relations. It was a self-affirmation of the peasant's son - because this university was considered the most elite in the country. In his own words, effortlessly fall of 1947 student Nikolai Leonov, sat on a bench next to the classrooms with children of Politburo members and other representatives of what was then the golden Youth, slightly diluted demobilized warriors who had privileges at admission.
When choosing the main language in the institute Leonov reasoned: German fascism defeated, the German language has lost its meaning, and Franco still holds, and it should be soon finish, so you have to master English.
latent rejection of the atmosphere prevailing in the Moscow State Institute of careerism and intrigue erupted at the end of the course, when it passed the preliminary distribution, and remained to hand over only the last session. Five students, among whom were the three front-line soldier, were insulted, deprived areas to work. Leonov, as YCL, suggested that the group write a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs AJ Vyshinsky in favor of any innocent comrades, but the result was the reverse, which had hoped for. In addition to the five guilty and became the sixth - the initiator of the letter Leonov ...
Minister wanted to personally punish the rebel, causing him into his office and even sent him a black car. Leonov was from the very midst of the people - the very common people, for whose sake of making a revolution, representative of a new "proletarian" intellectuals, the creation of which the Bolsheviks were considered very important. In the eyes of a veteran of the revolution Vishinsky it was he, and not "sons" was, in the Marxist sense, an aristocrat, as they said "hegemon", so it could not be straightened, and it was necessary to "educate". Andrey Leonov Yanuarevich not expelled from the institute, and ordered that he be given the most lousy distribution. Prior to this, as holder of the "red" diploma He was sent to the Foreign Ministry, and now stuck in a very non-prestigious prize - the publisher of literature in foreign languages.
Position in publishing depressed Leonova primarily because, as it seemed, did not allow to reach their creative potential, deprived of growth. However, he soon realized that you can grow and here. Beside him worked natural Spaniards who emigrated to the USSR during the English Civil War, and he began to enter in their environment, to attend their parties, participate in the activities of fraternities. His English has improved dramatically, becoming the second native language.
once director of publishing house called Leonov и предложил ему поехать за границу на стажировку. Оказывается, правительство решило для каких-то своих целей подготовить группу переводчиков повышенной qualifications, three for each of five languages - English, French, German, English and Chinese. Send Leonov in Spain was not possible, because there are still rules of Franco, and he was sent back to Mexico. In May 1953, exactly two months after Stalin's death, he sat down at Genoa on the merchant ship "Andrea Gritti, which carried the Italian immigrants in Latin America.
was May, hot and blond young man in a dark blue suit on board the Italian Trade ship "Andrea Gritti" surprising and a smile. Leonov was not even swimming trunks. He had no right to leave the board in the intermediate port. His rescued a young Latino of "first class", the son of a wealthy Cuban landowners, who with two friends returned home after meetings with youth democratic leaders Europe.
His name was Raul Castro
He went to Leonov, who suffers from loneliness, and asked: "How do you help? You like a prison. " He bought a melting bought the Canaries a huge bunch of bananas, and taught to play table tennis. The openness and friendliness of the Cuban attracted. This meeting is so shook up by Leonov and changed his destiny, that it is impossible not to be called providential. As he says himself, "we were all roughly the same age, spoke the same language, understood each other perfectly, were eager to give their lives to serving the people. " Co-month voyage made them friends. Upon arrival in Havana, Raul Castro was arrested and beaten up right in front of Leonov! ("His threshed by all the laws of democracy. My grief knew no bounds"). subsequently met Leonov Raul, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara .
arrived in Mexico, Leonov began to study at the University of Mexico at the Faculty of Philology and Philosophy, otshlifovyvaya to subtleties of his English. Two-year course ended, and he was a little clerk at the embassy, and it was catching up on his melancholy. the summer of 1956, tired of shopping, Leonov slowly walked down the street with their purchases in their hands and face to face with Raul Castro
, which was deported to Mexico. After a while Leonov came to visit him. He was sitting pretty
young Argentinian
. According to polls, he entered the twenty most famous people a century, and hardly any on earth literate person who does not know his name - Che Guevara . At his request, Leonov took and gave him three books on испанском языке – «Чапаев», «Как закалялась сталь» и «Повесть о настоящем человеке». А через несколько дней из газет узнал, что Фиделя, Рауля и их товарищей, including Che Guevara, the agents tracked down and arrested Batista . During the search for Che Guevara, were found three of the mentioned book and business card Leonov. Press saw this as a "hand of Moscow", and the authorities put a stamp on the form Leonova "not fit to bear the diplomatic service and sent him home, while at the same same publisher. Here he had to work until 1958. After two years working in publishing Leonov was summoned to the KGB, and offered to become a scout. Decide for him was not easy - in the minds of most citizens, the organization strongly associated with unfounded repression, suppression dissent. However, by 1958 exploration was the one required of every state service, without which it is simply impossible to do, but because the work it can seen as serving the country and its people. Leonov had come to the conclusion that this ministry will allow him to reveal his ability to a much greater extent than correcting translations dreary ideological literature, and gave his consent. Soon he joined the staff of Intelligence, but no assignments are not received, and was sent for training. It is being built on old principles: parachuting, shooting, crosses, etc. Training Program he held quite successfully, and even performed standard of master of sports in rifle shooting.
In 1958 Mikoyan visited in Mexico. Official, its purpose was opening of the exhibition of achievements of Soviet science and technology, but in fact the country's leadership because of an approaching Cuban revolution found it necessary to a closer look at Latin America. Leonova included small delegations as an interpreter and a security guard at the same time. On request He coped well, and when, after the overthrow of Batista, Mikoyan was the first senior Soviet officials went to Cuba, he again took with him Leonov.
Fidel Castro learned Leonov. Communication between them took place in front of Mikoyan and Leonov went into an asset
. In 1960 he was again sent to Mexico, this time as a scout (officially he was the third secretary of the Soviet embassy). The tip of his secret work was to be directed against U.S. intelligence. "I worked against the United States with a deep conviction that doing good, pleasing to God thing, protecting his country and helping dozens of other nations, have experienced American eagle claw "- so estimates that its activities Mamontov today.
Since 1960, NS Leonov worked in intelligence in Latin America, though for different assignments have traveled almost the whole world. On duty, he had been in many "hot spots" twice illuminate the plane on which he flew, he was shot from a grenade launcher, and the scars still remain. In Nicaragua, Leonov was the first Russian man who got there after the Sandinista revolution. In Peru, where he was under the guise of a journalist called and Leonov, saying that "figured" him as a spy, have promised to kill him. "Fateful» XX century, that Leonov had seen, were not only the climactic moments of the Cuban and Nicaraguan revolutions, but also the infamous Cuban missile crisis, was nearly not led to a nuclear catastrophe. For him, he came here and now ", and its successful resolution, he took an active part.
the 30-year-old life by the intelligence NS Leonov went through all steps of the hierarchical sub-lieutenant to lieutenant-general, deputy head of the 1 st Chief control of the KGB. From 1973 to 1984 he directed the Information and Analytical Intelligence, and in 1984 laid Leonova intelligence work throughout the Western Hemisphere - from Canada to the Straits of Magellan. And on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was transferred to the central apparatus of the KGB on Lubyanka, and six months Leonov was the chief of analytical department.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the formation of the Russian Federation in August 1991, Nikolai Leonov, a petition resignation. New oath from him no one claimed, while trying to make invalid. Be 62 years out of business after 30 years of continuous service, being physically perfectly healthy - it is a genuine personal tragedy. "The first month I felt a shock when he wanted to be sealed in an apartment, cut from the surrounding world. I did not read newspapers, not watching TV. Slowly, slowly came back a sense of life. You will be prompted to work in new structures. This provided an opportunity to rebuild ties with the people, to awaken an interest in the fate of his environment. "
In late 1991, along with his colleagues and friends – бывшим заместителем председателя КГБ СССР – начальником 1-го Главного управления генерал-лейтенантом Л.В. Шебаршиным и бывшим заместителем председателя - Chief of the KGB department for Moscow and Moscow region, Lieutenant-General V. Prilukovym NS Leonov establish a joint-stock company "Russian National Economic Security Service, which operates successfully to this day.
Since 1994, Lt. Gen. NS Leonov teaches at the Moscow State Institute, he - the doctor of historical , professor of diplomacy. Simultaneously, since 1996 he collaborates with the program "Russian House" TV "Muscovy and the eponymous magazine, speaking as a political commentator. Deputy of Russian State Duma (2003-2007), a member of the security committee of the Rodina bloc.
NS Leonov was awarded the Order of the October Revolution, two Orders of Red Banner, Order of the Red Star Order of the Cuban Che Guevara I degree (2003).
Among his hobbies - Floriculture and chess.
Lives and works in Moscow.
Red Square. Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro and Nikolai Leonov
at the meeting of Soviet-Cuban Friendship Society. April 28 1963.
Red Square. Fidel Castro, Nikita Khrushchev, the members of the Cuban delegation
and translator Nikolai Leonov on the mausoleum of Lenin
1963 Nikita Khrushchev and Fidel Castro at the mausoleum.
Nearby: K. Voroshilov, Leonid Brezhnev, Mikhail Suslov
Red Square. Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev at the mausoleum Lenin
meeting Fidel Castro at the Red Square. April 28, 1963.
Red Square. Fidel Castro and Anastas Mikoyan
after the rally, the Soviet-Cuban friendship. April 28, 1963.
Red Square. Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro, the Cuban delegation,
Leonid Brezhnev, Anastas Mikoyan and Mikhail Suslov. April 28 1963.
Red Square. Leonid Brezhnev (center)
after the rally, the Soviet-Cuban friendship. April 28, 1963.
Red Square. Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro at the Likhachev Plant (ZIL)
Fidel Castro at the Likhachev Plant (ZIL)
Fidel Castro at the Likhachev Plant (ZIL)
Fidel Castro at the Likhachev Plant (ZIL)
Red Square. Fidel Castro. Laying wreaths at Lenin's mausoleum
Red Square. Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev
Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro and Nikolai Leonov (right)
Komandantsky hour Havana . 20.04.2007
you able to ascertain the uniqueness of his personality?
Leonov: He always had a phenomenal memory. He remembered everything: the names of people facing many decades ago, the endless statistics figures, numbers, freely operated complex economic terms, easily understood in agriculture. My main impression of the Castro - He did not like the others. Talking with him, you begin to believe the myths that had actually been born human beings who have something supernatural. I am far from any mysticism and superstition, with Castro, as they say, I do not baptize children, but firmly believe: Fidel, figuratively speaking, on several levels exceed the average person. Primarily in terms of moral and volitional qualities, intelligence and, of course, in terms of internal energy.
Fidel incredibly venturesome in all he is given around with unbridled energy and even anger, whatever you do. He's the reading that I know of political leaders. The main material value considers the book. Reads infinitely many. When I was at his home in his modest home in Havana, then nothing but books and gymnastic equipment, not seen. In his time, the Soviet government presented to Fidel luxury in those days ZIS, chlenovoz "as they were then called in the people. The first thing that made Fidel Cuba - found in the car in the back seat lighting to read while traveling. Doctors were horrified. In no case can not be said to him, the vibration in the car inevitably affect vision. With some difficulty persuaded to give up. Fidel all the time something to read. This, in particular, due to its excellent a trained memory. And only the last five years he enjoyed the papers when making speeches. God forbid you think that Fidel is reading from notes. He uses only the reference materials to assist. Note - it is nothing writes. He had no books, no papers. The fact that we read this transcript of his speech. Basis them - this is his interview. It does not matter with the bishop, or a journalist with nearly a million audience. All his speeches sometimes continuous improvisation.
In this regard, recall the curious case during the famous tour of Castro's Soviet Union in 1963. Crown trip was supposed to be a rally at Luzhniki stadium in front of one hundred thousandth the audience. Castro suggested that Khrushchev: "A little whether, Nikita Sergeyevich, allow people to be not only the stadium but also on the football field?" I have a feeling some kind of emptiness and alienation from the audience. "And the field Luzhniki in the first and last time, I do not take into account the concerts, was filled with people. They came to see his idol Castro. In response to the wishes of Fidel Khrushchev put forward his condition: the speech that they will say to the public, should be written on paper. "Here you, Fidel, all the time improviziruesh, and let's just write a speech and read them in front of people?" - Offered Khrushchev. Fidel agreed reluctantly, came in a guest house in the Lenin Hills. For it began a painful job. He mayalsya, walked around the room, trying to dictate paragraphs stenographer. For him It was an unusual case. Hardly a single sheet of recording etc and came to the next, he suddenly stopped and said, smiling: "Everything I've had enough. Well it the case for ... Let as before, so be it ".
The next day he spoke to 120 thousand people in the Luzhniki Stadium, and nobody, especially Khrushchev, did not notice that Fidel, holding before him a blank sheet of paper, not actually read through them. And again, improvising without "a written speech."
What explains this pronounced anti-Americanism of Fidel?
Leonov: His hatred of the U.S. - the reaction is reversed. After his first official visit as head of Cuba, he began in the United States, offering cooperation to the authorities of this country. But ran into rudeness, arrogance, arrogance. Then came the humiliating U.S. blockade of Cuba which continues to this day. If not for this hostility, the course of history might be different.
WP: In 1963, during a tour of Castro's Soviet Union and a half months you have worked as the personal interpreter of Fidel. Surely know the interesting stories that are unknown to our readers?
Red Square. Fidel Castro Mikhail Suslov, Nikolai Leonov
after the rally, the Soviet-Cuban friendship. April 28, 1963.
In the Kremlin it was allocated one of the rooms. I remember: one day evening, about 11 hours, he said to me: 'Come walk in Moscow. " I'm shocked, we are without protection. He rested. I want to, says to walk in Moscow. Time to notify the duty officer officer. He is no less a shock, but Fidel is ready. Go through three Borovitskie gate. Eleven o'clock at night. Passes the first bus stop. Passers-by in a daze, do not believe that in front of them live Fidel. After a minute on the street are heard cheers, meter by meter surrounds us more and more people. On the way Manege Square in their dozens, hundreds, and the crowd presses, all excited. For the Soviet people was a revelation, as close by the United States, without any help from outside, could win the socialist revolution. All wondering how long will the Cuban revolution? Hold out and live, says Fidel. On the way to the hotel "Moscow" for thousands of people, they all run and run. Security officer in horror. It seems the public is ready to break Fidel apart. Officer through window climbs to the hotel, time to on the phone to call for reinforcements. Fidel is about to break off for souvenirs, we are struggling to break into the hotel and take refuge from the enthusiastic crowd.
Red Square. Fidel Castro
Red Square. Fidel Castro
Have it the discomfort of the narrowness of the protocol framework of the visit? Like him, the freedom-loving revolutionary perceived Soviet bureaucracy?
Leonov: Natura Fidel is that, if he decided to do something, it will lead to the end. He used to be first and win. During the guerrilla struggle in the mountains in the 50's he was always on the front and walked in the first circuit, not just risking their lives. It was only after the commanders of the revolutionary troops approached him with a collective letter - "Commander, we need you alive, only then, Fidel has ceased direct part in hostilities.
I remember in Siberia, he asked to stop the train and give him a chance to look at the taiga, to walk on it. We are perplexed, but he insists. I had to go with it. A Siberian taiga - not near Moscow lesochek is piled trees, impassable bushes, stumps and bumps. We stumbled, swearing, and Fidel stubbornly went ahead, apparently without noticing any obstacles ... As for the bureaucracy, had an episode in Leningrad. As always, strictly painted with the program, under which were closely Fidel accustomed to live communication. During one of the meetings to him ran a little girl to give flowers. Fidel secretly learned the number of kindergarten and tells the astonished organizers - they say, want to visit such a kindergarten. Party workers excuses - let's tomorrow, hoping that he will forget. No, the next day Castro is on his: went to kindergarten. Trip retard. Finally, bring in garden, the same number on the front. It meets that same girl, darivshaya flowers. Fidel tells her: Come, and show it where you have what it is, where is your bed, where the dining room. A girl answers, mister, I'm here still do not remember, I'm here for only the second day.
turned out, the girl was from the sleazy orphanage, and organizers removed the nameplate with his number and nailed to the facade of a model kindergarten. He understood it all, but said nothing.
Red Square. Fidel Castro and the translator Nikolai Leonov
at the meeting of Soviet-Cuban Friendship Society. April 28, 1963.
next stop on tour was listed Ukraine. Khrushchev telephoned then-first Secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party Podgorny and said: "There is no need of officialdom, even to say there and ride." Come into the office Podgorny. On the table - a huge Map of Ukraine. "Tkni wherever you want" - smiles Podgorny. Fidel poke in the suburb of Kiev. Zooms out 40-50 miles from the capital. Customary village, Fidel asked to stop a pig farm. Party members in suits and ties in amazement. Fidel in his famous army boots peremahivaet a fence and heads for the Pig. I followed him. Meet. Pig Mary, an ordinary Ukrainian woman, a widow who lost her husband in the war. Fidel asks her about the work, the benefit of agriculture mark not hearsay, affects childhood in a family estate of his father in Birane. Then he says: and went, Mary, look at your house, to treat something? Yes, I have no particular Nothing, she replied. And yet, let's go. In the hut, as in an ordinary peasant's house, all simply and modestly. Maria pulls out bread, pickled apples, eggs, bacon, potatoes. Borscht warm in the oven. Fidel smiles. Mary embarrassed superiors decided not to get homebrew. But she persuaded, though room service is already ran and brought the brandy glasses. The simple meal ends with intimate conversations of Fidel and Maria for life. Fidel shines: "I do not want any dry reports on the economy. I'm happy to see that ordinary people live in prosperity ".
As Fidel refers to our compatriots in Russia?
Leonov: He was always a very high opinion of our country and enthusiastic - about ordinary people. It is said that he had an iron and neproshibaemy. And I just remember an episode that occurred during the same trip to the USSR in 1963. It was a Siberian winter station, home of Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Upon learning that the train passes odnokoleyke with Fidel, he blocked the way lumberjacks. The composition was surrounded by a crowd of Siberian peasants who refused to leave until they see a live Fidel Castro. He heard a noise and went into the vestibule into the cold - in one tunic. The crowd greeted him with a roar. "We want to hear you, Fidel" - "someone shouted from the crowd. He turned to me: "Until I change my clothes, lose time, I will speak so ". No conditions for the rally, no podium, no nothing. And he began to speak directly with the footboard of the car. Moroz chilling. Suddenly a hand in the crowd to it literally floats quilted jacket. He puts it. "With me nothing in return," - said, rummaging in his pockets. Suddenly finds three cigars in his trouser pocket and passes them into the crowd. Guys take cigar your smoking them, making each one puff, pass each other. As the pipe of peace. I see in the eyes of the Iron Fidel appear tears: "Nobody would in the West as himself gave no sign. Everyone who could get a cigar, would have hidden them in his pocket. Would be squeezed. Now I understand why the Russian people is invincible. "Only a few hours, our train moved.
= * = * = * = * =
Hedgehog for Americans
on those memorable days we talked with Lieutenant-General of State Security Retired, former head of analytical department of the KGB Nikolay Sergeyevich Leonov, who was the first Soviet citizens met at first Raul and then with Fidel Castro.
= * = * = * = * =
Rossiyskaya Gazeta:
Nikolai Leonov: In the years of revolutionary struggle in the Sierra Maestra mountains help Fidel would be necessary and desirable, but until 1959 it from the Soviet Union, he was not provided. Castro himself has repeatedly said that the Soviet Union took no part in preparing and implementing Cuban revolution. Moreover, I can assure you that in December 1958-th - January 1959, when the revolution triumphed in Cuba, the Kremlin did not know about Fidel Castro and his closest associates. And through a cross-party information that was sent through the People's Socialist Party of Cuba, reported that Fidel Castro professes a policy contrary to classical Marxism and the proletarian revolution.
supply missiles to Cuba from the USSR in 1962 was an initiative Nikita Khrushchev. After the failure of the operation in the Bay of Pigs in 1961, it became clear that Americans will not leave Cuba alone. Known for the famous phrase Khrushchev: "We must Americans bury a hedgehog in his trousers. "follow-up and was installing medium-range missiles in Cuba. Fidel taking into account the real dangers which threatened Revolution in Cuba, has not rejected the idea. Although he knew: missile deployment will change the strategic nuclear balance in the world between the socialist camp and the United States.
In your opinion, with which you can compare the operation, codenamed "Anadyr" to move the missiles to Cuba?
Leonov: Эта операция является уникальной, не имея по задумке и осуществлению аналогов в мировой истории. Переместить скрытно сорокатысячную армию, огромное количество military equipment - aircraft, armored forces, and, of course, the rockets themselves - such an operation, in my opinion, is a model of staff activities. As well as classic example of the misinformation of the enemy, and disguise. For example, when transporting missiles on the island simply does not fit into the narrow Cuban roads. И их приходилось расширять.
Если говорить откровенно, карибский кризис - самый крупный провал за всю историю американской разведки. Скажем прямо - ЦРУ откровенно "Miss the" transfer of such a large number of people and weapons from one hemisphere to the other, and in close proximity to the United States.
True, that the essence of the operation itself did not know most of our people dedicated to this expedition?
Leonov: thought, we are talking about the training of military maneuvers somewhere in the North. This was facilitated by the fact that the operation itself was codenamed "Anadyr". In order to conspiracy to vessels loaded camouflage coats, skis, to create the illusion of a "march north" and thereby eliminate any possibility of information leakage. We ship captains were appropriate packages it was necessary to open only after passing Gibraltar. What can we say about ordinary seamen, even if the ship captains did not know where they are swimming. Imagine their astonishment when, after having opened a package of Gibraltar, they read: "To hold a course on Cuba." To hide the military, which, of course, the whole trip could not be keep in the holds out on deck, dressed in ordinary clothes. And all this, Americans have swallowed.
WP: In 2002 you met with former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara during his visit to Moscow?
Leonov: Indeed, Robert McNamara came to Moscow for a conference on the 40 th anniversary of the Cuban missile crisis. In conversation, he admitted that most of the political elite of the United States in October 1962, insisted on a strike on Cuba. And even explained: 70 per cent of the then administration U.S. held a similar view. Fortunately for the world's history has prevailed minority view, which held itself McNamara and President Kennedy. As a result, the crisis was resolved peacefully and the country was not plunged into a nuclear catastrophe. U.S. steel strike in Cuba and Moscow withdrew its missiles from the island.
say that Fidel fumed and raged when he learned of Khrushchev's decision to withdraw missiles from Cuba.
Leonov: course, Fidel, as a person openly and honestly, could not hurt that Moscow would not put him of the decision. Khrushchev sent his "conciliatory letter to Kennedy, without notifying Fidel. Castro, of course, was enraged. I well remember the slogan, which then was gay in Cuba: "Nikita, Nikita lokeseda, but Quito. It means: "Nikita, Nikita, if you do something to give, do not take it back. "Talks between the Cubans and our representatives after the Cuban missile crisis were extremely hard. The level of mistrust, misunderstanding in the positions of the parties was such that once the Che Guevara took out his pistol from his holster and shot himself invited to our translator. Although that nothing was wrong.
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