Marilyn Monroe (born Marilyn Monroe, born Norma Jean when Mortensen, Eng. Norma Jeane Mortensen, in baptism, Norma Jean Baker, English . Norma Jeane Baker; June 1 1926, Los Angeles, USA - August 5, 1962, Brentwood, California, USA) - The legendary American actress, singer, sex symbol.
Marilyn Monroe was born June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles. Her mother, Gladys Monroe Baker, a girl named after the then popular actress Norms Talmadge. At the age of two weeks, Norma was given to the reception family, where she lived for 6 years.
June 19, 1942 Norma married Jim Dougherty, and then left school and went to live with him. A year after the wedding, he was hired in shopping fleet, and Norma Jean went to work in an aircraft factory, which produces UAV Radioplane OQ-2. After a while she throws a plant to begin her modeling career. At the end of 1944, When Norma Jeane worked at the plant, there appeared an army photographer who suggested she pose for $ 5 an hour, and Norma Jean agreed.
In August 1946 she received an offer to conclude a contract for the film studio Twentieth Century Fox, where she took the showgirl. At the studio she was offered the names of Carol Lind, Claire Norman, Marilyn Miller, but eventually settled on the name under which it subsequently became famous - Marilyn Monroe. Surname Monroe belonged her grandmother. in October 1948 was released in rolling movie "Ladies of the Chorus", created by film studio Columbia Pictures. It was the first film in which Marilyn said and sang. Marilyn Monroe gets a seven-year contract with the studio «XX Century Fox and participation in the film" The Asphalt Jungle "in the title role.
In January 1954 she married married to baseball player Joe DiMaggio. This marriage lasted only 9 months. After her marriage to DiMaggio studio «XX Century Fox invited her to star in the musical" No better business than show business. "
Photos taken a photographer George Silko (George Silk). Photo: Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) during the divorce proceedings, Joe DiMaggio (Joe DiMaggio), 1954.
In 1950 Marilyn met with the playwright Arthur Miller, but then they parted and met again in 1955. By the time he was divorced, and from a former marriage he had two children. Summer of 1956 they were married. This marriage was the longest: they lived together for four and a half years and divorced Jan. 20, 1961. Marilyn has always wanted to have children, each married she tried to get pregnant, but she does not succeed. When Arthur became pregnant, but the pregnancy was ectopic.
In 1951, Marilyn met with John Kennedy, who later became president of the United States. There have been rumors about their romance, as well as novel Marilyn with his brother Robert Kennedy, to whom Marilyn treated very well. All these rumors have no evidence.
Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) sings 'Happy Birthday' in honor of the birthday of John F. Kennedy (John Kennedy), May 1962.
* drug overdose;
* suicide;
* Tragic mistake psychoanalyst Ralph Greenson actress prescribed by the patient to take chloral hydrate shortly after she received nembutal.
What was the real reason - unknown to date.
place in the crypt next to Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) sold at auction for 4,6 million dollars, Los Angeles, August 2009.
Archive photos of Marilyn Monroe.
Seven Year Itch » (The Seven Year Itch) - American comedy film in 1955 directed by Billy Wilder. (Sometimes translated as "Seven years of Desire," The seven-year itch "). Based on a book by George Axelrod. The film contains the famous episode when the flow of air from the ventilation system of the lattice of the New York subway blows skirt, white pleated dress the main character.
Stills from the film "The Seven Year Itch"
* During filming, Monroe's often mistaken, confused and forgot the words because of what had to do several dozen takes. As a result, picture production was delayed, and its budget ballooned to $ 3.2 million, quite a large sum for that time.
* Seeing Walter Mettau audition for the role of Richard Sherman, Billy Wilder realized that he found he needed an actor. However, studio executives did not want to risk inviting the lead role debut. Then Wilder chose by Tom Ewell, who played Sherman Broadway play by George Axelrod, laid the basis for the movie.
* the film rights to the play acquired Paramount, but after the studio went out of Billy Wilder, the project was at 20th Century Fox.
Marilyn Monroe was born on 01/06/1926 in Los Angeles died 08/05/1962 in Breytvude (California). She studied at the Actors Studio in New York. Legend in his lifetime and a legend after his death, Marilyn Monroe stayed bright, but short and difficult life. Sex symbol of America, the subject of dreams of thousands of male beauty, which is envied by millions of women, the actress, whose rapid "off" to the top kinoolimpa seemed like a miracle, it was really tragic figure. A failed personal life and in vain attempts to prove the directors that "beauty Merlin capable of more on screen than a demonstration of its charms - the main causes of the tragedy in a wealthy house, where the morning of August 5 In 1962 the police found the body of Merlin.
American actress Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe), 1949.
Portrait Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) to advertise the film 'seven-year itch' ('The Seven Year Itch'), 1955
1 st Annual International Film Festival, organized by the 'Foreign Press Association of Hollywood', Santa Monica , California, USA, January 26, 1952.
1 st Annual International Film Festival, organized by the 'Foreign Press Association of Hollywood', Santa Monica, California, USA, January 26 1952. On photo - Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe).
American actress Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) and actor Laurence Olivier (Laurence Olivier), with whom she starred in the film 'The Prince and the Showgirl' in 1957.
Marilyn Monroe and Laurence Olivier in the film "The Prince and dancer »('The Prince and the Showgirl'). 1957
» ('The Prince and the Showgirl') - screen production of Terence Rettigana "Sleeping Prince» («The Sleeping Prince»).
beginning of last century, London. At the coronation of new king came numerous guests, among them the Prince Regent of the kingdom Carpathia Charles. To have fun, he attends incognito Cabaret "Coconuts", where the wings met with pretty chorus girl. One of them, Elsie, though not trained in good manners, but much to teach the arrogant Prince ...
Some Like it Hot
»(born Some Like It Hot), 1959 - Soviet-hire, in an abbreviated version, published as" Some Like It Hot "- the popular Billy Wilder comedy with Tony Curtis (Joe / Josephine), Jack Lemmon (Jerry / Daphne) and Marilyn Monroe ("Darling") in the lead roles. Screen adaptation of a story by Robert Torena and Michael Logan. Painting acted based on the German film "Fanfares of Love" (1951), which in turn was a remake of the same name by the French band in 1935. However, in the German film, there were no gangsters.
film won an Oscar and three Golden Globe. American Film Institute announced its best comedy all times. Songs performed in the film, in particular «I Wanna Be Loved by You», became popular. film director Billy Wilder wanted the role of Jerry / Daphne played Frank Sinatra. His choice for the role of the Sugar reeds - not Marilyn Monroe, and actress Mitzi Gaynor.
Tony Curtis (Tony Curtis) and Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) in the movie 'Some Like It Hot' (Some Like It Hot), 1959.
Tony Curtis (Tony Curtis), Jack Lemmon (Jack Lemmon) and Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) in the movie 'Some Like It Hot' (Some Like It Hot), 1959.
Marilyn Monroe was pregnant during filming, as a result looked much thicker than usual. For the production of photographic film used in the body understudy, subsequently mounted head of Monroe.
When Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon The first example of women's suits, they tried to walk around the studio Goldwyn, and see how they "will go" for women. Then they tried to correct makeup in the mirror of one of the women's toilets. When none of those present did not complain, it became clear that the compelling images of women to create success.
Professional dancer, portraying women, trying to teach Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon to walk on his heels. After a week of classes Lemmon declined on aid, saying he did not want to walk like a woman and wants to walk like a man trying to walk like a woman.
At one of the previews in the scene When Jack Lemmon to announce their engagement, the audience was laughing so hard that a few lines of dialogue, it was impossible to tell. Subsequently, the scene re-shoot with longer pauses, and with the addition of playing maracas.
Max 8.01.2009: best comedy of all time! Never gets old and always looks easy. And it can boast a few ..
Andrei tenants (St. Petersburg) 6.04.2009:
If there are people who did not watch this movie, be sure to look and nemedlyanno!
Misaylidi Evgeniya (Samara) 30.09.2009:
Andrei tenants, do these exist?
Alexander Karpenko (Barnaul) 25.11.2009:
When I first watched this movie, I just immediately was blown away, I probably within ten days, went to the cinema and all the newly revised, and is still reviewing with great pleasure. Monroe is inimitable, Jack Lemmon, too, even Tony Curtis, actor questionable abilities - it is very organic ...
Marina (St. Petersburg) 25.11.2009:
If you think about it, what is there in this film? Heroes of the grotesque, humor, unpretentious, and even below the belt. Black and white, finally))) And we as a student years also walked 10 times in the cinema for this film. Uhohatyvalis. And so far, and we quote (sorry) rzhem as children.
But best of all, of course, Daphne!))) Olga
Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon - so beautifully played. And how handsome Tony Curtis ... charming .... Very beautiful
Sinko Igor (Sochi) 20.06.2010:
wonderfully cheerful movie! You can watch it endlessly, as I do and I advise everyone!
«Some Like It Hot" (1959)
* The original title of the movie - "Some Like it Hot" - quote from a children's song Hot cereal with peas "(English Pease Porridge Hot). Full quote: "Someone like it hot, some - the cold, someone - a nine in a pot» (Some like it hot, some like it cold, Some like it in the pot, nine days old). Phrase also used in one of the dialogues, when the remark "Junior", that he prefers the classic hot jazz, the heroine Marilyn Monroe's objection: "Some Like it Hot. " * The working title of the picture was "Not tonight, Josephine" (English Not Tonight, Josephine). * To date, Nehemiah Persoff, who played "Little Bonaparte, the only actor of the basic structure, which is still live.
* Golden Globe for Best Actress role (Marilyn Monroe) * Golden Globe for best comedy
Also, four nominations for Oscar »:
* Best Director (Billy Wilder)
* best art director (Ted Houort)
* for Best Cinematography (Charles Lang)
* for best adapted screenplay (Billy Wilder, I. AL Diamond)
The film won first place in the list 100 years ... 100 comedies of the American Film Institute and the 14-th - in the list of 100 years ... 100 movies. The final phrase: «Well, nobody's perfect» (Everyone has their own shortcomings) took 48 place in the list of "100 Years ... 100 Kinotsitat.
») - an American musical comedy in 1960 with Marilyn Monroe and Yves Montand in the lead roles. Director: George Cukor. Writers: Hal Kanter, Norman Krasna, Arthur Miller. billionaire Jean Marc Clement (Yves Montand), known for its numerous love interest, discovers that he was going to make fun of a new musical. He comes to the rehearsal, but everyone takes it for an actor-twin, which must play the role of Clement. In the theater, he meets a charming actress Amanda (Marilyn Monroe) and to continue to know it, continues to pretend poor actor. Around this misunderstandings and twists intrigue film. Clement is trying to win the heart of Amanda's own artistic talent, but soon discovers that in a theater full of people who sing, dance and skits are much better read it. Then he uses his main advantage ...
While working with Yves on set and in Monroe's life was collected, a quiet, compliant. In the charming Frenchman Marilyn found something that women call "a man of my dreams." Shooting pictures "Let's make love (in Europe it was titled "Billionaire") has never been broken. She held them in one breath. Marilyn excelled excellent performance of song and dance rooms. affair with Yves developed rapidly. "It's natural - Monroe said - we were made for each other. Arthur needed an intellectual with whom he could talk. Like Simon. And Yves need me. " But it turned in the worst way. Montand was unable to leave his wife.
Simone Signoret and Yves Montand at the ceremony, Oscar, 1959 Best Actress (Simone Signoret) in the movie «
Film Awards 'Golden Globe' (Golden Globe Awards). Photo: Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe), 1962.
Film Award 'Golden Globe' (Golden Globe Awards). Photo: Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) and his friend Jose Bolanos (Jose Bolanos), 1962.
Film Award 'Golden Globe' (Golden Globe Awards). Photo: Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) and his friend Jose Bolanos (Jose Bolanos), 1962.
Preminger and Monroe, being bound by their contracts and worked on the film is not on their own. They both expressed frustration poorly thought-out scenario, but after entering the new film was a great success and remained in the history of cinema as a popular classic Western. During the filming of Mitchem and Monroe independently performed many tricks, Monroe at the same time strongly pulled ligaments.
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