Should I now also give 'nen intelligent spell of choice? 'm Just sarcastic world mood. Fits so wonderfully.
bad that the pirates have managed only 2%, but they are coming. The
SPD has received well-deserved blow. I had expected that Steinmeier and Müntefering enter in their first appearance announced her resignation. The Young Socialists would have a lot to offer, other SPD politicians ...
That the CDU remains, was not a surprise.
The idea of black and yellow is strange, but maybe there is something. If the SPD is now remembers its roots and also with the Left comes together (that is, when flying from the left so many that they can consider whether there is a party ...), well, at least with the Greens Perhaps - at least, a decent opposition, and then again maybe there's sparks ...
I do not know why all have the big shock for black and yellow. What the SPD has delivered in recent years - comments like "Who does not work shall not eat", is the social? Had it not Müntefering should disappear into oblivion?
But at least we now have a foreign minister, who stated as a special qualification "good English" ... calm: Political scientists are not as fast as unemployed. * G *
Ultimately, each party is spinning somewhere - but you also have to see what they can implement the ideas at all, then we are left with half, and then there's the opposition. So I can not see why now be the downfall to ... longer black and red would have been bad.
The problem is more that the SPD had no more content ...
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