Too many unread.
summary, approximately:
- a dozen German classic, a dozen English classics, a dozen Russian classics.
- some popular science books including one about chaos theory and the Randall ...
- 3 "political" matters
- several philosophical writings - from Kant flutters around since what, anyway, Sartre, etc.
- 2 books on analysis, several computer books - programming, etc.
I felt like everything already read yesterday. Above all, my Amazon list is already getting longer ...
But I'll take care in future that no longer accumulate so much. Well, good joke, until the next flea market or at the time that someone cleaning out his attic and donated his books to me ...
And at "The youth of King Henri Quatre," I could not finally say "no" ... may actually remain the same with the family. Some time ago I read Mephisto by Klaus Mann and
By Thomas Mann, however, I was thrilled recently "Mario and the Magician. "Tonio Kröger" I was not so bad. But in the former I found the conclusion just great ... but I think those are with me sometimes just such "outs", and then a shot is easy, one is upset and quiet - then I do something. GP gave me because of the language and the few side blows fell.
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