Paris! Paris! Paris! So, am fresh back from holiday and reports just a lot of text and many pictures of Paris!
evening on his way to get to Frankfurt's main station, there to take a night train, which pulled away at 10:45 and should be east at 7:00 in the morning in Paris.
First of all, found the right train and down into it and then only get so much as the first shock of the French railway SNCF, the transition to the Kapinen true more or less closely for the first time and totally clear which then of course there has to squeeze some Duch with suitcases, strollers, etc..
Good, then we take care of our "cell" is displayed and yes, they looked really like small cells, we felt somewhat out of place before, but good!
In such a said cell, fit 6 people into sleep, my sleeping place should be at the top, but really, who lines up stupid and pimped, he is still not up there and then it is indeed the night, perhaps down to? Right! I!
Well, John was asleep at the top, I was in the middle and then in the other bed on me a Frenchman. Otherwise, the "cell" occupied not quite what a luck =) .
After we had established, more or less "domestic", and again the door opened and a French-speaking man stuck his head through the door and of course labberte us fully on his mother tongue. English he could not, and what he wanted, really, our ID cards and our train ticket. This we also grade, without further thinking about it after because he thinks anything of it because of that they were for the customs.
Only then sleep for two hours had 2:00 to 4:00 and then the rest of the time lying awake on the Britsche and waited until it finally "Paris is in sight" means. Finally
was outside of the door at some point Sun opened up at 6:30 and we were all more or less awake and our ID cards and train tickets were returned to us.
eingetuckert In Paris, we bought our first time for the Metro-day tickets (more on that later).
And finally we went in search of a hotel near the train station. Of the price ranges well everything was represented, was found from 80 € - 149 € per person for the first time all! But then we found a hotel that was for one night for two persons 45 €! Affordable! With bathroom and so on.
erhohlungsschlaf After two hours, we went back out into the city in which it was then gradually Hell.
Since we did not know where we were down, we're just going out and running times are quite nice things seen so far.
The flourish and ornamentation, etc. quite interesting!
And another nice looking building!
heard about these buildings, I made more pictures than here are uploaded, but I do not at this point so will obstruct everything with pictures.
After that, then we went in search of a shopping center to buy a new belt because the old one had given up the day before during the train the mind and break up into individual parts. And search on the vergäblichen to this shopping center, we are finally landed on a bridge and stood on the Seine. And from there you could see even a small part of the Eiffel Tower!
good mood, she went on, but not in the direction of the Eiffel tower, but to Notre Dame, one could also see from afar.
However, we ended up more or less in the old town where it has only so swarmed by Sushi snacks, etc., and after 50 Takeaway Sushi to slowly gotten the gray!
But not only for sushi snacks, Paris has enough, but to pharmacies!
Flashing pharmacies! Many pharmacies Flashing!
Who in Paris by a pharmacy must be really blind!
But funny traffic light man they have all (and most times you did not see that because the front is actually a traffic light be sollet ^ ^).
But what else gabs in the old town and that this nice looking statue!
Irgendann we were in one of these aforementioned sushi snacks and have quite a lot of money for nothing left there (but I was tired).
then went on to Notre Dame we have not found naturally, so we continue to go through the old town, with a view to finally the Eiffel Tower. After
ätlichen Gallery of any Künsterl it started raining yet! And where was our shield? Right, who was quite comfortable in the hotel room around the heater.
But no matter, it can be put off no yes! We are bravely went as I was suddenly very wet and numb feet because my shoes were found to be unsuitable at a time.
Total soaking wet, we were still passing this nice building, just as the sun shines again.
The weather seemed to finally hold something and it has continued to run the Eiffel Tower, which was now and then see behind the houses at times short. It passed by a museum, where people in front of a giant snake, were so much the idea of a museum while in Paris and flat, because with such a snake? Since it was ever so casual 2h stupid around in the area.
Sun and there he was, the Eiffel Tower!
Giant "wire thing!" (No, the wire is not;)). And also because the crowds were down only to wait around to the fact that they come to the Box Office for you to climb the tower. And yes ... we were not above we do not want to wait that long and probably me that would be already too high then been little coward * *
(John .. not so much enthusiasm at once ....!)
(* staun *)
NaIO, but then my feet were also over, and we actually wanted to go back yes, but we came as such a taxi just so in the way and joar taxi ride is fine but not what?
but the drivers just as bad as ours ... if not something worse! However, the taxes have
together with the buses a track that they use.
Back at the hotel's feet back to life gehohlt and slept for the first time, shoes dried and Co!
the evening, we went through Paris again, this time in a different direction, and lo and behold, we find NEN small supermarket and so on! John has gotten his belt I think tomato juice and everything is OK! On the way back
still in a cafe inside for some food! And that was now the first real French cafe where we were then.
It was quite interesting ...! The operation has given us only half understood English and could begin mitm do nothing. And a sandwich in France is not the same sandwich! I naturally thought of toast and what happens? Right! Baguette! But not bad! And the French have the angewonheit closed following an order, just bring the bill.
was most interesting in this "strange" Cafe probably the ashtray! There was none! And this was also the floor! Tilting, Matches and other stuff adorned the floor. Also interesting, never seen before!
-The next day
The next day we were kind of half-time again on the way to Notre Dame! Of course, success! But we found this.
And a great view of Paris!
And then we found something, find something we had to ponder .... .
How did da damn it out of this glove? The wall of the church was quite high ... and more or less down there was no floor but ... as happy a glove stuck to the wall.
Then we are also faced with a purely tourist area and we all wanted the same kinds of people turn on anything. They wanted a painting, or any finger-containing ribbons rotate, etc. things that need not the world.
And high up above the roofs of Michel prankte to himself!
But we let the Michel, Michel and his move on!
We also found the "right" City of Paris, with department stores, etc., and found the Paris Hard Rock Cafe! In the first times a major shopping started! *____*
In Paris I noticed is that the Pigeons quite as thick, as are a French pigeon is as proudly wobbled past us ... . And let's face it, we would clearly be shot every pigeon fancier * on * image
fed! But how! They get all the bakers of the stuff thrown out, which no longer sell them! OMG and we cry around which we have too many of the pigeons ... let's all pack up and bring German pigeons French Sien ... if they only knew how good it could go where there!
Not only has France as a strong problem! You have a security Tick! We were desperately in search of lockers for our stuff that we take on the day of departure no longer wanted and were sent from one station to another and are there more than once walked in circles until we finally found it.
And the gau in the story was, you look at once like the chamber before Airp. did you have your cookies placed on a conveyor belt, so it was lit up by yourself and you must test can also scanning again. But well, we came through very well! You have found nothing! HA, we're not stupid! ;)
And yes ... also a strong smoking problem they seem to have in F.
advertising on the advertising of Nicorette ... would it not for the half served ^ ^?
But well, we are sometimes driven underground and we found ... Metro .... has rubber tires * laughs * and it is slower than our subways and commuter trains, but she goes!
And let's face it, the French have better maps than we Sistem! RMV and CO ashamed of you!
In France it through the card technology, which they enter no black drivers! I found good, but not implemented at ease ... !
The ride home again with the SNCF, the cells again, this time 6 people in the thing, a nice Frenchman and a very unfriendly railway official who also spoke German and we have complained in Frankfurt also because he and the railway police threatened, because we wanted to have some information that concerned us seemingly nothing .. and yes .. we were not in Europe but on the train and there are other rules, as it seems.
But Paris was great! Be happy again, but this time mitm flyer;)
(spelling errors I just am tired anyway ... * laugh *)